We all understand the importance of applying sun block lotion and how it can help prevent skin cancer. The problem is that some area are very difficult to apply sun block. This is why the Always Got Your Back Lotion Applicator was developed.  This new product now makes apply sun block lotion to those hard to reach areas a breeze.

Placing Sunblock On Yourself And Your Children Every Day Can Save Your LifeBy Donald Cornman

Utilization of sunblock has increased tremendously as the global temperature has continued to rise and the ozone layer has continued to disappear. For years people falsely thought that the sun was safe and spent hours lying out tanning under the sun with no protection. Thanks to a lack of knowledge people began to suffer the consequences of this long term disregard through the horrors of epidermal cancer. We know more today about the hazards of sun exposure than ever before and more and more people are beginning to add sunblock to their daily routine.

Sun protection cream is a product that should be applied each morning before leaving the house. This is true regardless of skin tone or complexion. There are cases of people suffering skin damage even though they had relatively dark skin. Although this problem isn’t as prevalent in darker toned people, it does occur. In order to safeguard one’s self from these problems, it is vital to cover all exposed areas with at least a low SPF coating daily before venturing outside.

Adults have an easier time remembering this step since many makeup products and creams contain sunscreen, but children are often neglected. Sadly, children may be left out quite often but they are generally more likely to suffer from skin issues. Their fragile skin is not highly protected and is usually much fairer than it will be later in life. It has been discovered that acquiring a single severe sunburn as a baby or young child is enough to cause skin cancer later. This is one of the reasons that it is so necessary that adults cover their children even better than they protect themselves. Sunblock, in most forms, can be utilized for infants who are not even a year old yet. These products are made up of extremely safe ingredients and they are getting safer every day. In addition to the sun screening lotion you will locate a variety of protective clothing for youngsters.

It is a good idea to reapply your sun blocking lotion every sixty minutes during prolonged exposure, no matter the SPF rating. Remember to do this for yourself as well as your family. Also, waterproof sunscreen should be reapplied after swimming or spending prolonged time in the pool or ocean.

The practice of protecting yourself and your loved ones from damaging UV rays is not very difficult but extremely important. Very little work is required to maintain a daily skin care routine that recognizes the danger of overexposure to the sun. For those who get into the act of putting on a block each morning the process will rapidly become routine. Other ways to protect young children like covering their heads, strollers or carriers, and windows with protective equipment should become routine. It is more important today than ever before that parents work to make routine sun damage prevention a part of their daily plan.

Select the best sunblock at sunblock or best sunblock

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Cornman